Session 1
Progress and Outcome of the NSP
Yoon Sang-uk
SpeakerMinister Counselor, the Mission of ROK to ASEAN (See paper)
DR. Ali An Sun-geun
SpeakerLecturer of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah, Jakarta (See paper)
![Andrew W. Mantong](
Andrew W. Mantong
SpeakerResearcher in Center for Strategic and International Studies (See paper)
Lecturer of the President University
Session 2
ASEAN’s Expectation and New Projects
ASEAN’s Expectation and New Projects
from the NSP Under the US-China Conflict and Covid-19
![Badrus Sholeh, Ph.D](
Badrus Sholeh, Ph.D
SpeakerDeputy Dean of the FISIP, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah, Jakarta (See paper)
![Mr. Santo Darmosumarto](
Mr. Santo Darmosumarto
SpeakerDirector for East Asian and Pacific Affairs MOFA (See paper)
Nanto Sriyanto
SpeakerInternational Politics and Foreign Policy Researcher of the LIPI (See paper)
![Amelia Fitriani](
Amelia Fitriani
HostForeign Affairs Editor of RMOL
Session 3
Advises to Upgrade the Cooperation in the NSP
![Prof. Hikmahanto Juwana](
Prof. Hikmahanto Juwana
SpeakerPresident of Universitas Jenderal Ahmad Yani (See paper)
Lecturer of the President University (See paper)
Mr. Umar Hadi
SpeakerAmbassador of the ROI to the ROK (See paper)
![Ign. Yophiandi](
Ign. Yophiandi
HostKompas TV and Chief of International Affairs of IKA Unpad
Note: * Speakers are subject to change depending on their circumstances.